Wednesday, January 13, 2010

31 Days

January 13th. Day 13 of a month long assignment to daily write down one reason why I respect my husband; must be a different reason each day; must be why I respect him for 'who he is', not for 'what he does'...HELP ME JESUS!!!! This has been more challenging than I expected but also more fulfilling than I expected and also kind of fun. It's so easy to 'love' our husbands for what they do; or 'respect' them for what they do, but what about respecting them just for who they are? If I only respected my husband for what he did, what would happen if he stopped doing the things I respected him for? Hmmm...not a pretty picture. So, for the past thirteen days I've been reminded of his sensitivity to my needs, his genuineness, his integrity, his wisdom......HEY!...those are some of the reasons I married him! Look at God! Has it been easy these past thirteen days to see a different reason why I respect my husband? No; not every day. One day last week, it was 7pm, and by that time nothing had 'jumped out' at me yet. I started to panic. Then I received a lovely text message from my husband thanking me for making his birthday so special a few days previous! Thank you Lord! This, to me was really not necessary because he had already thanked me sincerely in person. So, I respected his sense of gratitude and his diligence because both of us are lousy texters! It takes us forever to send text messages! I'm so glad that I asked God to help me with this assignment! Oh, Yes! Don't get it twisted! I DO know that there is no way I could do this task without God's help. But what else is new? I can't do anything well without God's help!

So, why not join me!? Come on! We've got 18 days left! You can do it!

Remember, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!


  1. I guess I've just stepped into the blog era.

    I will have to say that this 31 day assignment has been more than I thought it would be! I'm actually starting to remember things about why I respect my husband that have been laying dormant in my mind looks like for years. I have to ask myself where has my mind been? Praise God for bring me out of the dark and help me to continue to respect the man he has blessed me with.
